


肖  峰




研究方向(Focus Area):






电子邮箱:[email protected]



肖峰,男,1980年1月生。2002年、2005年在西安交通大学获学士、工学硕士学位,2009年在香港大学获工学博士学位。2010-2019年在中国科学院生态环境研究中心任助理研究员和副研究员,2019年华北电力大学晋升为教授,2020年被聘为博士生导师。任发展中国家青年通讯院士(TWAS-Young-Affiliate),国际水协(IWA)青年委员会(YWP)中国区委员,中国城镇供水排水协会青年工作者委员会委员。目前任职SCI期刊《Chinese Chemical Letter》青年编委,中文核心期刊《环境工程学报》以及《环境保护科学》杂志编委。






【1】国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题,52030003 2021.1-2025.12 45万 (主持)

【2】长江黄河重点研发计划子课题,2023YFC3208603 2023.12-2027.11 70万 (主持)

【3】青海省科技厅重点研发项目,2023-GX-158 2023.8-2024.12 75万 (主持)

【4】国家科技重大专项课题,2017ZX07108-002-02,2017.1-2020.12,200万 (主持)

【5】国家自然科学基金面上项目,51578529,2016.1-2019.12,78万 (主持)

【6】国家自然科学基金面上项目,51378014,80万 (主持)

【7】国家自然科学基金青年项目,51008293,20万 (主持)


【1】南京南瑞继保工程技术有限公司,2024-016,2024,208万元 (主持)

【2】宁波酶赛生物工程有限公司,2023-956, 2023-2024,16万元 (主持)

【3】国网青海省电力公司经济技术研究院,2023-633,2023,95.275万元 (主持)

【4】长城水务集团有限公司,2023-453,2023,65万元 (主持)

【5】国网科技项目,2022-138,2022-2023,40万元 (主持)


【7】国网科技项目,2020-076,2020-2021,50万元 (主持)


【1】北京市科学技术进步奖一等奖,2023年 (排名第5)




【5】发展中国家科学院青年通讯院士(TWAS-Young Affiliate) (2016)


【1】Gong Zhang, Yongqi Li, Chenxuan Zhao, Jiabao Gu, Gang Zhou, Yanfeng Shi, Qi Zhou, Feng Xiao, Wen-jie Fu, Qingbai Chen, Qinghua Ji, Jiuhui Qu & Huijuan Liu, Redox-neutral electrochemical decontamination of hypersaline wastewater with high technology readiness level, Nature Nanotechnology. 2024 May 9

【2】Zheng L., Xiao F.*, Zhang X.Y., Deng Y., Mo S.S., Liu Z.L., Gu X., Hertkorn N., Korshin G.V., Yan M.Q.* (2024) Evaluation of the fate of wastewater effluent organic matter in receiving water: Effect of sequential photochemical and biological processes Journal of Hazardous Materials 463:132873-132882

【3】Dong S.X., Li X.L., Wang S.Y., Zhang D.X., Chen Y.C., Xiao F.*, Wang Y.L. (2023) Adsorption-electrochemical mediated precipitation for phosphorus recovery from sludge filter wastewater with a lanthanum-modified cellulose sponge filter. Science of the Total Environment (898): 165545-165554

【4】Yang L., Qiu H.R., Lu Z.X., Zhang C.R., Liu G.L., Chang J., Wu C.C., Dong S.X., Yang S.X., Xiao F.* (2023) Identification of performance and cost in a new backwash method to clean the UF membrane: backwashing with low dosage of NaClO. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30:121983-121992

【5】Hao M.J., Gao P., Yang D., Chen X.J., Xiao F.*, Yang S.X.* (2020) Highly efficient adsorption behavior and mechanism of Urea-Fe3O4@LDH for triphenyl phosphate. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 267: 114142

【6】Xiao F*, Xiao P, Jiang W., Wang D.S. (2020) Immobilization of horseradish peroxidase on Fe3O4 nanoparticles for enzymatic removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 27(19): 24357-24368

【7】Xiao F.*, Xiao P., Wang D.S. (2020) Influence of allochthonous organic matters on algae removal: Organic removal and floc characteristics. Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects. 583: 123995

【8】Zou Y.B., Li W.T., Yang L., Xiao F.*, An. G.Y., Wang Y., Wang D.S. (2019) Activation of peroxymonosulfate by sp2-hybrid microalgae-derived char for ciprofloxacin degradation: Importance of pyrolysis temperature. Chemical Engineering Journal.370: 1286-1297

【9】Tang L.P., Xiao F.*, Liu Y.B. Wei Q.S.*, Zou Y.B., Liu J.S, Sand W., Chow. C. (2019) Removal of reactive dyes by ultrafiltration membrane pre-deposited with a PSFM coagulant: Performance and mechanism. Chemosphere 223:204-210

【10】Li W.T., Zou, Y.B., Xiao, F.*; An, G.Y.; Wang, D. S. (2017) Constructing highly catalytic oxidation over BiOBr-based hierarchical microspheres: Importance of redox potential of doped cations. Molecular Catalysis 438:19-29438:19-29

【11】Zhang M. Xiao F.*, Wang D.S.*, Xu X.Z. (2017) Comparison of novel magnetic polyaluminum chlorides involved coagulation with traditional magnetic seeding coagulation: coagulant characteristics, treating effects, magnetic sedimentation efficiency and floc properties Sep. & Purif. Technol. 182:118-127

【12】Jiang W., Li W.T., Xiao F.*, Wang D.S., Wang Z.C. (2017) Influence of NOM and SS on the BPA removal via peroxidase catalyzed reactions: kinetics and pathways. Sep. & Purif. Technol. 173: 244-249

【13】Xiao F.*, Li W.T., Fang L.P.*, Wang D.S. (2016) Synthesis of Akageneite (beta-FeOOH)/Reduced Graphene Oxide nanocomposites for Oxidative Decomposition of 2-chlorophenol by Fenton-like Reaction Journal of Hazardous Materials. 308: 11-20.

【14】Xu H., Jiao R.Y., Xiao F.*, Wang D.S.* (2016) Enhanced removal for Humic-acid (HA) and coagulation process using carbon nanotubes (CNTs)/polyalumium chloride (PACl) composites coagulants. Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects. 490: 189-199

【15】Xiao F.*, Xu H., Li X.Y., Wang D.S. (2015) Modeling Particle-size Distribution Dynamics in a Shear-induced Breakage Process with an Improved Breakage Kernel: Importance of the Internal Bonds. Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects. 468: 87-94

【16】Xu H, Xiao F.*, Wang D.S. (2014) Effects of Al2O3 and TiO2 on the coagulation process by Al2(SO4)3 (AS) and poly-aluminum chloride (PACl) in kaolin suspension. Separation and Purification Technology 124: 9-17

【17】Xiao F.*, Xiao P., Zhang W.J., Wang D.S.* (2013) Identification of key factors affecting the organic fouling on low pressure ultrafiltration membrane. Journal of Membrane Science 447: 144-152

【18】Xiao F., Lam K.M, Li X.Y.* (2013) Investigation and Visualization of the Internal Flow through Particle Aggregates and Microbial Flocs using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Journal of Colloidal and Interface Science 397: 163-168

【19】Xiao F., Lam K.M., Li X.Y. and Wang D.S. (2012) Investigation of the Hydrodynamic Behavior of Diatom Aggregates Using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Journal of Environmental Sciences-China. 24(7):1157-1164

【20】Xiao P., Xiao F.*, Wang D.S., Qin T. and He S.P. (2012) Investigation of Organic Foulants Behavior on Hollow-fiber UF Membranes in a Drinking Water Treatment Plant. Separation and Purification Technology. 95:109-117