


张  丽



研究方向(Focus Area):












教授课程为:Environmental Fluild Mechanics (英文授课),River Morphodynamics (英文授课),河流动力学(本科生必修课程),水资源规划管理(本科生必修课程),水文信息学(本科生必修课程),水灾害学(本科生必修课程),写作与沟通(中英文结合,研究生必修课),水能资源开发利用(本科生必修课),环境水文学(研究生选修课)。














【1】 Zhang L., T. J. Li, G. Q. Wang, J. S. Kwang, J. A. Nittrouer and G. Parker*. How canyons evolve by incision into bedrock: Rainbow Canyon, Death Valley National Park, United State. PNAS. (2020).

【2】王光谦, 李铁键, 张丽, 黄跃飞, 柏睿. 流域几何学. 科学出版社,2017.

【3】 K. Y. Wang, L. Zhang*, T. J. Li, L. Xiang, B. Y. Guo, G. X. Chen, Y. F. Huang and J. H. Wei. Side tributary distribution of quasi-uniform iterative binary tree networks for river networks. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9: 792289 (2022).

【4】 An C. G., H. W. Fang, L. Zhang, X. Y. Su, X. D. Fu, H. Q. Huang, G. Parker, M. A. Hassane, N. A. Meghanid, A. M. Andersd and G. Q. Wang. Poyang and Dongting Lakes, Yangtze River: tributarylakes blocked by main-stem aggradation. PNAS, 119(30): e2101384119 (2022).

【5】 Luo, Z R., J. H. L, S. H. Zhang, W. W. Shao, J. J. Zhou, L. Zhang and R. T. Jia. Spatiotemporal evolution of urban rain islands in China under the conditions of urbanization and climate change. Remote Sensing, 14, 4159 (2022).

【6】 Li J. Y., T. J. Li*, L. Zhang, B. Sivakumar, X. D. Fu, Y. F. Huang and R. Bai. A D8-compatible high-efficient channel head recognition method. Environmental Modelling and Software. 125: 104624 (2020).

【7】 Li X., D. Q. Yin, X. J. Zhang*, B. F.W. Croke*, D. H. Guo, J. H. Liu, A. J. Jakeman, R. R. Zhu, L. Zhang, X. P. Mu, F. R. Xu and Q, Wang. Mapping the distribution of water resource security level under a changing context in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region at the county. Sustainability. 11: 6463 (2019).

【8】 Zhang L.*, T. Iwasaki, T. J. Li, X. D. Fu, G. Q., Wang, G. Parker, Bedrock-alluvial streams with knickpoint and plunge pool that migrate upstream with permanent form. Scientific Reports. 9p (2019).

【9】 Huang L., X. Li, H. W. Fang, D. Q. Yin, Y. Si, J. H. Wei, J. H. Liu, X. Y. Hu and L. Zhang. Balancing social, economic and ecological benefits of reservoir operation during the flood season: A case study of the Three Gorges Project, China. Journal of Hydrology. 572: 422-434 (2019).

【10】 Zhang L.*, C. P. Stark, R. Schumer, X. D. Fu, J. Kwang, T. J. Li, G. Q. Wang, G. Parker, The advective-diffusive morphodynamics of mixed bedrock-alluvial rivers subjected to spatiotemporally varying sediment supply. Journal of Geophysical Research Earth Surface. 123, 1731-1755 (2018).

【11】 Zhang L.*, Parker, G. Parker, C. P. Stark, T. Inoue, E. Viparelli, X. D. Fu, N. Izumi, Macro-roughness model of bedrock-alluvial river morphodynamics. Earth Surface Dynamics. 3(1), 113-138 (2015).

【12】张丽, 傅旭东, 王光谦, 史海匀, 李铁键. 黄河中游典型河网的结构自相似性. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 53(1): 24-28 (2013).

【13】Zhang L.*, G. Q. Wang, X. D. Fu and Q. C. Sun. An analytical solution to Boltzmann equation of dilute granular flow homotopy analysis method. Chinese Science Bulletin. 54(23): 4365-4370 (2009).