时间: 2024-06-21 来源:
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尹世洋,男,1984年11月生。2006年、2008年在中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院获得工学学士、硕士学位,2008-2014年在北京市水科学技术研究院聘为工程师、高级工程师,2018年获得中国地质大学(北京)水利工程博士学位,2018年7月聘为bet365下载 水文教研室副教授。先后参与、负责国家863计划、科技支撑计划、行业公益项目、北京市重大科技专项及北京水务科技项目等30项。入选2012年北京市委组织部优秀人才项目。先后获得发明专利5项、软件著作权4项,编写专著1部,参与出版专著2部,参编标准4部,发表论文40余篇,其中SCI论文20余篇;获得北京市科技进步等奖1项,农业节水一等奖1项、北京市农业技术推广等奖2项、北京水务科学技术一等奖5项。
【3】江西省地质局第二地质大队赣北地质矿产勘查开发院,江西省南城县罗源夏家山矿区饰面用辉绿岩矿高陡边坡稳定性评价专题研究报告. 2022-2023,25万元
【1】Wenyong Wu, Shiyang Yin, Honglu Liu, Yong Niu, Zhe Bao. The geostatistic-based spatial distribution variations of soil salts under long-term wastewater irrigation[J]. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.2014(186):6447-6756.
【2】Yong Niu, Shiyang Yin*, Honglu Liu, Wenyong Wu, Binghua Li. Use of Geostatistics to Determine the Spatial Variation of Groundwater Quality: A Case Study in Beijing's Reclaimed Water Irrigation Area[J]. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2015, 24(2):611-618.
【3】Shiyang Yin, Wenyong Wu, et al. The impact of river infiltration on the chemistry of shallow groundwater in a reclaimed water irrigation area, northwest China[J]. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2016, (6): 1-9.
【4】Shiyang Yin, Jingli Shao, Zhen Li, Honglu Liu, Yali Cui, Qiulan Zhang, Shiyu Wang, Xiaomin Gu, Yong Xiao. The influence of reclaimed water recharge on 12 isomers of NP in groundwater. International Conference on Environmental and Computer Science, 2016.10 564-568.
【5】Xiaomin Gu, Yong Xiao*, Shiyang Yin*, Xingyao Pan, Yong Niu , Jingli Shao, Yali Cui, Qiulan Zhang, Qichen Hao. Natural and anthropogenic factors affecting the shallow groundwater quality in a typical rrigation area with reclaimed water,North China Plain[J]. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2017(10) 154-189.
【6】Xiaomin Gu, Yong Xiao, Shiyang Yin*, Jingli Shao, et al.Groundwater level response to hydro geological factors in a semi-arid basin of Beijing, China[J]. Jouanal of Water Supply Research and Technology-AQUA, 2017(66):266-278.
【7】Shiyang Yin, Gu Xiaomin, Yong Xiao, et al. Geostatistics-based spatial variation characteristics of groundwater levels in a wastewater irrigation area, northern China[J]. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 2017, ws2017052.
【8】Xiaomin Gu, Yong Xiao, Shiyang Yin, Qichen Hao, Honglu Liu, et.al. Hydrogeochemical Characterization and QualityAssessment of Groundwater in a Long-Term ReclaimedWater Irrigation Area,North China Plain[J]. Water,2018.9.7, 10(9): 1209.
【9】Shiyang Yin, Yong Xiao, Gu Xiaomin, et al.Geostatistical analysis of hydrochemical variations and nitrate pollution causes of groundwater in an alluvial fan plain [J]. Acta Geophysica.2019, 67:1191–1203
【10】Xiaomin Gu, Yong Xiao, Shiyang Yin, Honglu Liu, Baohui Men, et.al. Impact of Long-Term Reclaimed Water Irrigation on the Distributionof Potentially Toxic Elements in Soil: An In-Situ Experiment Study in the NorthChina Plain[J]. International Journal ofEnvironmental Research and Public Health, 2019.2.22, 16(4): 649.
【11】Yong Xiao; Shiyang Yin, Qichen Hao, Xiaomin Gu, et.al. Hydrogeochemical appraisal of groundwater quality and health risk in a near-suburb area of North China[J] Jouanal of Water Supply Research and Technology-AQUA. 2020, 69(1): 55-69.
【12】Shiyang Yin, Yong Xiao, Pengli Han, et al. Investigation of Groundwater Contamination and Health Implications in a Typical Semiarid Basin of North China[J]. Water 2020, 12, 1137; doi:10.3390/w12041137.
【13】Li Chen, Men Baohui, Yin Shiyang*. Optimized Selection of Water Resource Allocation Schemes Based on Improved Connection Entropy in Beijing’s Southern Plain[J]. Entropy, 2022, 24(7) : 920. doi: 10.3390/E24070920
【14】Li Chen, Men Baohui, Yin Shiyang*. Analysis of Groundwater Chemical Characteristics and Spatiotemporal Evolution Trends of Influencing Factors in Southern Beijing Plain[J]. Frontiers in Enviromental Science, 2022,10, 913542. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.913542
【15】Chen Li, Baohui Men, Shiyang Yin*. Spatiotemporal Variation of Groundwater Extraction Intensity Based on Geostatistics—Set Pair Analysis in Daxing District of Beijing, China[J]. Sustainability, 2022, 14(7) : 4341. doi: 10.3390/SU14074341.
【16】Chen Li, Baohui Men, Shiyang Yin*. Research into the optimal regulation of the groundwater table and quality in the southern plain of Beijing using geographic information systems data and machine-learning algorithms[J]. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2022.11(5).
【17】Song, Yuheng, Yin, Shiyang, Zhang, Ning,Lu, Fengnian,Cheng, Zexuan. Dynamic traction of deep-Sea polymetallic nodule collector [J]. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023.11(1).
【18】 Ning Zhang, Kaiqi Zheng, Weikun Zhai, Shiyang Yin*, Chengliang Wang. Experimental study on the thermodynamic performance optimization of phase change energy storage permeable concrete[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2024(411)