


张  宁




研究方向(Focus Area):







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【1】 NSFC-山东联合基金重点项目,海上风电桩基冲刷全过程预测-监测-探测理论方法与防控技术(U2106224)2022.1-2025.12,课题负责人




【5】中央高校基本科研业务项目,海上风机吸力式桶形基础冲刷效应机理研究,2017/01- 2018.12,主持
















【1】Zhang Ning, Chen Xuguang, Yin Shiyang, Cheng Zexuan, Ma Yunze, Lu Fengnian. Telescopic Buoyancy Compartment and Submarine Mineral Lifting System, Luxembourg, LU503849.

【2】张宁, 余冰茜, 尹世洋, 陈旭光, 顾雪业, 祝青. 一种用于深海采矿的矿物料仓提升交错装置, 202310497987

【3】张宁, 王科贵, 马卫国, 朱柄兆, 尹世洋. 一种伞式结构的海上桩基防冲刷装置, 202310267775.4

【4】张宁, 柯弟, 陈旭光, 尹世洋, 夏建新, 宋宇恒, 马宁, 杨畅. 一种伸缩浮力舱及海底矿物提升系统, 202111240179.4

【5】张宁, 尹世洋, 陈旭光, 夏建新, 宋宇恒, 马宁, 杨畅. 一种针对洋流的基桩防冲刷装置, 202110504384.0

【6】张宁, 马宁, 陈旭光, 尹世洋, 夏建新, 宋宇恒, 杨畅. 一种带防冲刷孔的水下桩基础冲刷防护装置, 202110328917.4


【1】 Ning Zhang*, Aizhong Lu, Xuguang Chen. Sustainable Construction and Building Materials: Chapter 7 - Functionally Graded Concrete Structure, Intech Open, 2018, London, UK. ISBN: 978-1-78985-749-8.(专著)

【2】陈旭光, 魏厚振, 马雯波, 张宁, 陈合龙. 第14章 海底资源开发与利用. 龚晓南、王立忠 主编, 海洋岩土工程, 中国建筑工业出版社, 北京, 2022.(专著)

【3】X.Y. Sha, A.Z. Lu, N. Zhang*. Explicit solution for stress and displacement in physical domain of layered transverse-isotropic soil under strip footing, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2024, 161: 139-156.

【4】 Y.L. Zhou, A.Z. Lu, N. Zhang*. An analytical solution for the orthotropic semi-infinite plane with an arbitrary-shaped hole, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2024.

【5】S.Y. Yin, Y.Z. Ma, Q. Liu, D. Ke, X.Y. Gu, D.Y. Zhang, C.L. Wang, N. Zhang*. Self-Regulating the Temperature of Permeable Concrete Based on Phase Change Materials, ASCE-Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2024, 36(6): 04024107.

【6】 X.Y. Sha, A.Z. Lu, N. Zhang*. Analysis of layered soil under general time-varying loadings by fractional-order viscoelastic model, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2024, 126: 232-248.

【7】N. Zhang, K.Q. Zheng, W.K. Zhai, S.Y. Yin*, C.L. Wang. Experimental Study on the Thermodynamic Performance Optimization of Phase Change Energy Storage Permeable Concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 41: 134127.

【8】 X.Y. Sha, A.Z. Lu, N. Zhang*. Complex variable solution of interference effect of two nearby strip footings on layered soil, International Journal of Geomechanics, 2023, 23(10): 04023161.

【9】 Y.L. Zhou, N. Zhang*, A.Z. Lu. Stress analysis for an arbitrary-shaped tunnel in orthotropic rock masses based on a simple mapping function, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2023, 140: 105302.

【10】N. Zhang, N. Ma, S.Y. Yin, X.G. Chen*, Y.H. Song. Stress path analysis of deep sea sediments under the compression–shear coupling load of crawler collectors, Journal of Ocean University of China, 2023, 22(1): 65-74.

【11】Q. Liu, Z. Wang, N. Zhang*, H.Y. Zhao, L. Liu, K.P. Huang, X.G. Chen*. Local Scour Mechanism of Offshore Wind Power Pile Foundation Based on CFD-DEM, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, 10, 1724.

【12】N. Zhang, N. Ma, S.Y. Yin, X.G. Chen*, M. Zhao. Three-dimensional stress path in deep-sea sediment under the driving load of a nodule collector, Ocean Engineering, 2022, 253, 111312.

【13】A.Z. Lu, N. Zhang*, Y.J. Liu, X.Y. Sha. Analytic solutions for stress and displacement of a compressible soil layer above bedrock, International Journal of Geomechanics, 2021, 21(12): 04021232.

【14】A.H. Høien*, C.C. Li, N. Zhang. Pull-out and critical embedment length of grouted rebar rock bolts - mechanisms when approaching and reaching the ultimate load, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2021, 54: 1431–1447.

【15】A.Z. Lu, G.S. Zeng, N. Zhang*. A complex variable solution for a non-circular tunnel in an elastic half-plane, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2021, 1-21.

【16】N. Zhang*, Charlie C. Li, A.Z. Lu, X.G. Chen*, D.J. Liu. Experimental Studies on the Basic Friction Angle of Planar Rock Surfaces by Tilt Test, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2019, 47(1): 256-283.

【17】Charlie C. Li*#, N. Zhang#, Jorge Ruiz. Measurement of the basic friction angle of planar rock discontinuities with three rock cores, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2019, 78: 847-856.

【18】X.L. Zhang, A.Z. Lu, S.J. Wang, N. Zhang*. Optimum design of fiber angle and hole orientation of an orthotropic plate, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2018, 56(1): 297-311.

【19】N. Zhang*, A.Z. Lu, Charlie C. Li, J.T. Zhou, X.L. Zhang, S.J. Wang, X.G. Chen. Support performance of concrete functionally graded lining, Construction and Building Materials, 2017, 147: 35-47.

【20】A.Z. Lu, N. Zhang*, G.S. Zeng. Minimizing stress concentrations around an elliptic hole by concentrated forces acting on the uniaxially loaded plate, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2017, 30:318-326.